Sunday, March 10, 2013


I'm joining Taryn at Wooly Moss Roots and several other lovely bloggers in honoring the things for which we've been grateful for throughout the week.

If you would like to join us, just click the image at the bottom of this post. 

This Week I am Grateful For:

* The break in the chill, damp weather. It seems Spring is finally springing here!

* The time I have been left to paint and wallow and dive deep and come back up with just my brush, the color and music for company. It sounds weird, but those are the my most treasured alone times, no matter what they may dredge up.

* Getting to spend time with new friends. Trying new foods and having big laughs as we kicked it "high school style": AKA sitting in one of our cars singing old songs we loved as teens while eating ice cream.

* A lovely afternoon walking around the park and enjoying bubble tea with the lovely and the Luna. 

* Finding a new job which I hope will serve me so much better than the one I am leaving. The hours are much more conducive to the things I want to do at home, with the love and with my art and it isn't in an abusive customer service environment. My new co-worker/supervisor said the worst she thinks I'll have to deal with is the occasional grumpy co-worker, which I can totally handle!

* Having my painting for DEEP be featured on The Dirty Footprints Studio Facebook Page! It seems such a little thing, but to have someone you admire and has done so much to change not only your approach to your passions, but life in general, recognize your work feels incredible!

* Planning the new garden beds and the changes we'll need to make in the space to make it all work out. Also trying to come up with some savvy companion planting ideas. Can't wait to get my fingers dirty!

* Getting out of some of our long standing debt, finally! *whoo!*

* Breaking down the blockage, clearing up the mental and physical space and getting back in touch with my spirituality in a very raw, bare bones and big way. It feels so unbelievable good to be back and just in time for the start of one of my favorite seasons, too!

* That the heavy blanket of Winter's introspection is finally being pulled completely away and the torch bearer is leading me back out of the Black Wolf's cave

* That despite how odd it might seem to him, I have someone who will dig deep holes in the hard clay so I can lay all of the animals that have left this side in our yard to rest with rites and love. Today I was heartbroken to find two baby bunnies who we think may have been stillborn, curled up in death's embrace in the hay. I laid them to rest together under the big nut tree in a hole Joe dug and covered over for me. It seems a strange thing to be grateful for this sort of thing, but the reminders of the cycles and interconnectedness of life and death and the ability to reflect and send any spirit off with love and reverence is a thing of beauty in its own way.

To join in Gratitude Sunday, click on the image below! Happy Sunday, lovelies.

Gratitude Sunday

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