Thursday, May 7, 2015

Healing and Stealing Minutes

Towards the end of February, I scheduled a yearly wellness visit with my doctor. Before my visit I made a list of all of the things that were concerning me so that when I was there I wouldn't forget to mention any of them.

And for the first time ever, a doctor took every single one of my points seriously. He asked me questions about them, did his due diligence in checking each thing out, took a boatload of my blood and referred me out to a hand full of specialists for the things he felt others would better be able to help me with. We even talked about my visits with the therapist, who it turns out he knows and refers all of his female patients to (because she specializes in women's issues) and he checked my thyroid levels just to be sure there was no underlying physical cause to my issues; aside from being tired, of course. ;)

Needless to say since that visit, I've been very busy visiting a bunch of doctor's offices. It hasn't necessarily been fun, and I've still got about a dozen or so more appointments to go, but I've been getting answers and help and am finally starting to feel better. Just having someone take me seriously when I complained about arthritis pain, as opposed to brushing me off as "too young", would have had me feeling better.

Between physical therapy, the GI doctor, a scope and a procedure to fix my esophagus, the eye doctor (because you know that flared up again!), the ear doctor, the rhuematologist, the therapist, sleeping, eating, cleaning, animal caring, wifing and mothering (especially soothing a child growing 6 teeth at once) there really hasn't been much time left over for things that involve a lot of time or ritual. Even my Beltane was celebrated by speaking thanks to the Universe while I was driving home from an appointment with the windows down and the warm breeze making a million and one knots in my hair.

We do what we can, right?

In the midst of all of this, I quit social media. So if you've been following me elsewhere and noticed I've gone missing, sorry! I'd been mulling it over for a bit and this felt like the time to do it. In the 2 weeks I've been offline, I've noticed a drastic improvement in my moods and I've gotten a lot more little things started or finished. My free time has been spent napping, meditating, reading or working in what I'm calling my stolen minutes art journal.

I met some friends for coffee this past Sunday and one of them had her art journals with her. And they were beautiful and filled with so much energy and devotion. Thumbing through them made me miss my own practice terribly, but I found myself lamenting how long it took me to put together the pages in my book. SO LONG. SO elaborate. I don't have time for that!

Oh, but I wanted the time for it. And so, I'm changing up my practice, tossing the "rules" aside and fitting it in when I have a few minutes. It doesn't need to be elaborate (unless I want it to be), I can jump around from page to page willy nilly. It doesn't have to be deep or beautiful, it simply needs to be a soft place for thoughts, paper, paint and glue to land and be a rock for my need to make things to cling to. And if ah ha moments, beautiful art or secret messages appear there, so be it.

P.S. I'm feeling disconnected and dissatisfied with the name and feel of my beloved space here. It's one of the myriad of reasons I haven't been blogging, because I feel like what I want to write about won't "fit". So I'm pondering a new name, one that better encompasses all that I am, since this is, in fact, a personal blog.

So after a solid 6 years, soon The Whimsical Cottage will be renovated.


  1. I'm so glad you're getting answers and on your way to recovery and feeling better. I love the pictures of your Stolen minutes art journal. I don't think we have to cast circles, ring bells, and conjure spirits to honor our faith. Sometimes celebration is as simple as a silent conversation between you and the Universe carried on the breeze.
    Bright Blessings sister.

    1. Those conversations have been the lifeline of my spiritual practice lately. Thank goodness I've always been a bit of a wind talker. <3

  2. I'm happy that you have some answers and are getting on down the road. Looking forward to seeing how you make changes to your blog. I have missed your presence. xoxo Oma Linda

    1. Thank you, Oma! I've missed you and your wild heathens too. xox

  3. Good to hear from you beautiful lady and glad you are getting the help you need. I look forward to the changes! I'll keep sending you and yours good thoughts. =)

    1. D'aw. Thanks, Lesley! I'm still undecided on the specifics of the changes, but they're definitely overdue!

  4. I could leap out of bed and start dancing for you. I know this is just the beginning, and that the 1,001 appointments are a pain in the behind (some quite literally *cough*), but to find a doctor that pays attention is such blessing... especially after spending a bunch of time (and hurting so much) with physicians who look at you like you are crazy.

    I hope you get answers and better yet a good treatment plan that works for you. I spent almost two years going through that search, and when I found a doctor who listened... I broke into tears. I was happy. Still in pain, but happily relief.

    I understand the need/want to change the blog's name. I think that if the issues of the cyber-thievery had not arisen at Pagan Culture, I would eventually changed the name to something more suitable. My first years blogging were all about Pagan Culture, indeed, but there is more Magaly now. Perhaps more Danni will be a great thing for whatever space you choose.

    Many hugs. And like Oma Linda, I've missed you. ♥

  5. I'm SO glad to be getting the help I need, though I'm on the fence about the medications that come along with them. *sigh* *sidelong glance* Luckily, my gastroenterologist is on board with trying to get me off of the meds for my stomach issues in the future. For now, we're going to give the new medications some time to work their magics and then *fingers crossed* begin the weaning process.

    I was also upset when my physical therapist said no jogging, running, DANCING or yoga for a while. NO DANCING? come onnnnn. But, if it will help this lower back of mine heal so I'm no longer having shooting pains, numbness and can rock Orion when he's teething without wanting to scream it will be worth the (hopefully) temporary sacrifices.

    I hope you're feeling better too dear one, and that the return to eating and running is going well!

  6. Good to hear you again, i kept popping by and wondering how you were getting along. All the best with the appointments and treatments and the healing.

    Good forward to seeing what comes next.
    All good things

    1. that was looking forward but i'm sure it will be good forward too!!!

  7. Glad to hear you have some great medical support. I'm totally jealous... but it gives me hope that not all doctors are complete heartless half-wits :) Hope you're well and good!

  8. I enjoy your blog posts and your card readings especially. Wishing you well on your way, please don't forget to link us to your new sanctuary if you decide to change the URL. I love your blog!

    Love and Light
