Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The Mighty Hunter

Mortal Enemies. Mommy is a gleeful mythology nerd. #oriongram #mythology #babysuplicki

Today is my due date, but our son decided he was ready to join the world last week.

Acorn was born July 17, 2014 at 2:41 pm, after 88 hours of labor - 26 of which were active, almost all of which was in my back. He was delivered naturally without medication, with the cord around his neck twice and was caught by daddy, to thunderous applause from a room full of medical students who had never seen a natural birth while Day-O played on Pandora. Future Beetlejuice fan? ;-)

He weighed 7.9 lbs, 19.75 inches and is ready to rock this life thing. Thank you to our rock star doulas for being by our sides the whole time and helping us know everything was and would be ok. It's amazing how cracking jokes and talking about songs stuck in your head can make something intense seem less so.

This first week (tomorrow) has been one of the hardest yet most rewarding of my life.

Welcome Earthside, baby boy!

Snoozing baby on my chest, snoozing daddy at my side, snoozing pup on my feet. Happy, if exhausted, mommy. #100happydays Day 60 #dannishappythings #babysuplicki #oriongram
Needless to say, posting will be a bit light for a bit. :)


  1. Oh my gods! A hundred thousand blessings upon you and mighty Orion and Joe! I am doing a crazy happy dance for you as we speak. I will have to get your advice in the coming year on choosing a doula. ;-) brightest blessings of Love and Light on your family little momma.

  2. Congratulations to the 3 of you! Orion is a beautiful name :)
    I'm happy that some med student got to see a natural birth, sadly most won't ever do... Hope they weren't too annoying (I would have sent them all out!)

    He's beautiful. I wish him a wonderful life.

  3. Congratulations you guys! He's a stunner, so glad to hear you're all doing well.

    Wishing you a peaceful time to get to know him :) Much love to you xxxx

  4. He is so beautiful!!! You are such a beautiful family. And i love his name! Orion!!!
    May he be blessed by the Goddess the elements, the fairies and the whole universe.
    And may you have a speedy recovery!

  5. Oh Danni, I'm so happy for you guys!!! Welcome to the world little one!!! He's gorgeous!
    Love, light, and bright blessings to you all! <3

  6. I'm smiling like an idiot! Congratulations on your beautiful baby boy! Holy cow - 88 hours of back labor. That's unbelievable. Love, love, love that he was born while Day-O was playing . That's a sign for sure, but not sure what it is a sign of. I guess we'll find out! Good catch Hubby! You Da Man.

    Spend time with your 2 guys, rest, enjoy and drop us a line once in a while. (and of course some pics.)

  7. Posting a bit light? I'm surprised you posted this much. Congrats to you, the daddy and the soul you brought into the world. Little Orion is already a looker! ♥

  8. Congratulations! He is so precious! I'm very happy for you and your hubby!

    ps.. 88 hours? you are a Goddess!

  9. Congrats Danni! I am so happy for you guys! He is the cutest little thing!

  10. Congratulations!!! Orion is strong name which will bring him much honor. {Hugs} to you! ♥ What a wonderful family photo!

  11. Congratulations, Danni. Orion is absolutely gorgeous - you, Joe and Orion made an adorable family <3

  12. Congrats - I am so excited for you !!!! Well done you - Orion is gorgeous and what a fantastic name. Blessings to you all and enjoy your time getting to know him - posts can wait :) Take care of yourself - you and little man come first x x

  13. i am so deeply happy for all four (i'm including Luna) of you

  14. Congratulations! There is nothing in the world better than a new baby. I miss that part so much. Enjoy every minute of your baby-moon.

  15. Oh wow, congratulations! Hope you are all doing well. :-)

  16. HUGENORMOUS congratulations!! I love the name Orion (we had tossed that around for our son), and his beauty matches his name. FANTASTIC story, by the way -- 88 hours of natural labor?! Girl, you're a rock star. :)

  17. He is simply gorgeous! Congratulations to you!

  18. I'm only getting to this now as I've been laying low on blogland, but Congrats lady! Our sons are almost exactly a year apart (which is sorta ironic to me given that our weddings seem to be a year apart too). Best of luck to you and your moon baby! Hoping the transition into motherhood has been gentle and that you're sleeping and life is settling into an easier pattern these days. He's a cutie!
