Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Midwinter Blessings

The first signs of Spring's approach break through the cold of Winter. The sun shines a bit warmer and a bit longer each day, the snow drops and first daffodils raise their sleepy heads above the cold earth. Midwinter has come, reminding us that as in all cycles, the darkness and cold will soon end and be replaced by warmth and light.

As Brighid wakes and the maiden goddess begins her dominion over the year, so too does Nature. There are stirrings in the forest, of matings and returnings, of birthings and growing. It is a time to reflect on what Winter has taught us, what we found within ourselves and in the dark. This is also a time of beginnings, of promises, of hope. A time to ready the seeds for sewing, in our gardens and in ourselves.

It's a fire festival, so let's burn the Yule greenery and invite the light into our homes and our hearts. Light your candles, clean out the hearth and start the fire anew. Here at Midwinter, let's cast off and burn away the old and that which holds us back.

May Brighid bless you muchly and may the fire and promise of this day help you to prepare the seeds you plan to sew; both in nature and in yourself.

P.S. Each day I've been making a effort to pull an oracle card for myself. Some days I don't do it first thing in the morning and today was one of those days. It was also one of those days when self doubt and dwindling faith in me crept in. As I was lighting the candles in the house, I decided to pull my oracle card and this is the Fae that reached out to me today:

She gently reminded me to be kind to myself and to keep the faith. That while I should keep my heart open (how else will you live, love and experience things?) to shield myself against the words, moods and hurts of others. Sitting on my altar, she reminds me to believe in myself and know that I am worthy.

Oftentimes, the universe knows exactly what we need to hear and when to let us know it.


  1. Lovely altar - sending you Imbolc blessings xxx

  2. What a lovely altar, so unique - and interestingly enough - I have been pulling this card regularly lately!! I love this deck and use it for card a day pulls.

  3. I don't know what I would do without my Oracle cards. Today I pulled the Invocation card. How perfect for Imbolc.

  4. Blessed Imbolc!! Everything looks so beautiful.

  5. I love seeing other's altar. Yours is always beautiful. That skull looks so great on the wall!
    This was a lovely post, getting the true essence of Imbolc. Hope you had a wonderful day :)

  6. Imbolc blessings. Here it is colder than ever but the bulbs grow strong through the tough frozen ground. Will be setting a fire going in my garden this afternoon.


  7. love your alter.... Imbolc blessings to you as well.

  8. love your alter blessed Imbolc to you. Hugs Sara

  9. Your altar is wonderful, sweet Danni and your post is fresh and beautiful, making me feel the transition of the earths tide. Wishing you a blessed new season. Many hugs, Mina
