Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Work in Progress Wednesday: Autumn Cleaning

A lot of people do their annual giant house cleaning in the Spring, but not me. For as long as I can remember, I have always preferred the task of rummaging, organizing, tossing and cleaning in Autumn. I started the massive undertaking on Monday, starting with a few random unpacked boxes and then tackling my closet and tossing anything that doesn't fit or I just know I'll never wear again into bags to be donated. Between yesterday and today I've been sorting through the boxes of stuff in the closets and decided to finally attempt to put the last several years worth of photos into some semblance of order. As you can see in the photo up top, it hasn't been a short and sweet process.

Once I'm done decluttering and gutting the closets, it will be time to scrub everything down and give the house one hell of a spiritual cleansing and blessing. While I do these several times a year, once again, Autumn is the time that I do my main one.

Who else gets these almost manic boughts of clean-fever this time of year? I know I'm not alone!

P.S. I've added everyone who has commented that they're participating in my blog party to the sidebar and the original post. October's nearly here!


  1. I've always loved 'Spring' cleaning in the Autumn! I've been working on mine for a couple of weeks now. I also do it again once the warmer weather returns (but it may not be in the Spring). Purging is so good for the soul!

  2. I usually clean in the fall as well. It just seems like the right time, considering its the end of the year and all. I always want to start fresh. However, we just moved and therefore there isn't much for me to do this fall. I am still sorting through some boxes, but the stuff that is still packed has no place at the moment, so there isn't much I can do. It feels weird...

  3. I too, feel the urge to scatter dust in the autumn. But I try to ignore that urge, lol!! Going thru all the photos to organize is a daunting task..good luck! Hey, is it too late for me to join your Halloween blog party??

  4. I usually do my major cleaning in the fall too and then again as soon as it warms up to open the windows. I have a whole box of photos I should probably do something with. But first is the cleaning of the craft space. Can't create Halloween goodies on a messy table!

  5. I just finished mine! My back is sore and I have tons for Goodwill! I do it in the Spring and Fall...but Fall is my throwing away time.... old habits die hard!

    Time to sit and sip some tea in my clean house!

  6. I do it in the fall as well. Something about knowing I'll stay a lot more in the house makes me want to clean it up. I've just finished a massive clean up of the baby clothing... I wish I could do my stuff now, but the temporary room configuration doesn't allow it (there's a drawer chest in front of a drawer chest in front of a closet...)

  7. I tend to do a massive cleaning this time of year, because I am having a party and I don't want people to see how cluttered I normally am. :)

  8. I do a somewhat mild spring clean up, but the junk-fest-let's-clean-this-freaking-place extravaganza always happens right before All Hallow's Eve. I enjoy starting my new witchy year with a clean house.

  9. I am a manic cleaner to begin with and this time of year is no different. I am more of a bunny cleaner. I walk by the linen closet at 9pm on my way to bed and decide it needs to be organized NOW. Same with all that other stuff that builds up. My scrubbing down of stuffs is usually in the Spring when I'm wound for sound.

  10. Like you, I tend to clean in the Fall. It just feels like the time to purge, organize, and revamp things. I've never been much of a spring cleaner!

  11. Yep. I'm a Fall Cleaner...not a Spring Cleaner.

  12. HI ! i am currently writing an article on Halloween blog parties ! If you could answer some of these questions for me I would really appreciate it

    Why would you attend a blog party ? Do you already know some of the bloggers attending the event?
    Might you say that Halloween’s popularity has increase thanks to these blog?

    Thank you !

    Yasmeen Cohen

  13. HI ! i am currently writing an article on Halloween blog parties ! If you could answer some of these questions for me I would really appreciate it

    Why would you attend a blog party ? Do you already know some of the bloggers attending the event?
    Might you say that Halloween’s popularity has increase thanks to these blog?

    Thank you !

    Yasmeen Cohen
