Monday, October 26, 2009

I have a Pumpkin Addiction...

There. I said it. I'm addicted to pumpkins. I didn't realise just how bad it was until I began uploading my batch of photos of the past week's October Blog Party activities. Almost every single day I did something involving pumpkins.

What can I say, I love those bright orange squash!

On the 18th through 25th of October I...

Decorated the front door with my Lovely...

Made a Halloween Bunting

Made a Fairy GodPumpkin from junk around the house.

Made some vintage inspired Statuettes out of simple wooden bits and paint

Enjoyed a Pumpkin Pie milkshake

Set up my kitchen Apothecary, which will get it's own post a bit later!

Went through a corn maze with my lovely, my kid sister and a friend of ours...

Carved jack-o-lanterns! Pumpkins from right to left - Mine, My lovely's, my sister's.


  1. Love all of it, but you must post more about that kitchen apothocary. That looks too cool.

  2. Kitchen apothocary is AWESOME!!! And your pumpkin carving skillz are 1337. hehehe Those guys are seriously great :)

  3. Speaking of pumpkins - I just received my Brat in the mail today - yay! Thanks so much - he's just so charming! He's sitting on my altar - looking very happy to be there!

  4. There wasn't a single thing I disliked! It all looks so good!

    But yes, I want to hear more about the kitchen apothecary too.

